Blog : 2021
30 December 2021
New Year’s Eve 2021: Can fireworks harm your eyes?

2021 is almost over, and with all the uncertainty we’ve faced over the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s no surprise that you may want to celebrate getting through another year! As tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, we’re sure that many of you are planning on watching a fireworks display to ring in the New Year, or even putting on a fireworks display of your own. While we would never wish to dampen your excitement (!), you should remain cautious and be extra careful if you attend a display or use any fireworks yourself this year.
Read more23 December 2021
Eye care tips for the Festive Season

With only 48 hours left till Christmas Day, we can bet that many of you are now well and truly in the Christmas spirit and ready for the holidays! Pretty soon we will all be waking up to see what gifts Santa has bought us, before digging into a delicious Christmas meal surrounded by our friends and family. However, there are still a few things to bear in mind while you’re having fun celebrating this year. Certain things such as alcohol, or even the moisture of the air in the room you’re in, can harm your vision and eye health. Make sure you follow our top tips below to ensure your eyes remain healthy throughout the festive season.
Read more16 December 2021
Yellow Eyes: What causes it? What are the treatments?

Have you ever noticed that the white part of your eyes is tinged with the colour yellow? This could be down to a number of different health conditions, such as jaundice, which can turn both your skin and the whites of your eyes yellow. It can also happen due to certain medications you may be taking, or even from a high level of alcohol consumption.
Read more09 December 2021
What is presbyopia and how can it affect your eyesight?

As we begin to age, we naturally become more prone to developing certain physical ailments that we would not have suffered from in our youth. When it comes to vision, presbyopia can be one of those issues. This is an eye condition that affects almost everyone as we age, so it’s definitely a condition that’s worth knowing about in advance!
Read more02 December 2021
Which Christmas foods are beneficial for your eyes?

It’s officially December, and we all know what that means… it’s almost Christmas time! The festive decorations are everywhere, Mariah Carey is unavoidable, and we’re all getting into the Christmas spirit. Christmas is a time to spread festive cheer, relax with our loved ones, and also indulge in some delicious food! You may not associate classic Christmas cuisine with healthy eating, but many festive ingredients are bursting with nutrients that are beneficial for your eyes. If like us you cannot wait to dig into your yummy Christmas dinner, be sure to include some of these foods that are known to benefit your vision and eye health.
Read more25 November 2021
Top 5 Aftercare Tips for Laser Eye Surgery

One of the most important parts of your patient journey after receiving laser eye surgery is the aftercare process. Taking good care of your eyes following treatment is extremely important to ensure your eyes can heal as best as possible during the recovery period. It can also help to minimise the risk of complications from surgery – even though complications from laser eye surgery are incredibly rare. Here are our top 5 aftercare tips to help you through the recovery period following laser eye surgery, which can help your eyes heal faster and prevent the risk of infection.
Read more18 November 2021
How does astigmatism affect your eyesight?

Astigmatism, along with myopia (near-sightedness) and hyperopia (far-sightedness), is one of the most common eye conditions around the world. All three of these eye conditions are known as refractive errors. These occur when the shape of your cornea, or the lens behind the cornea, prevents light from focusing correctly on your retina – a light-sensitive layer of tissue in the back of your eye, which is what leads to poor vision.
Read more11 November 2021
How does cold winter weather affect our eyes?

Winter is soon approaching along with some of the most popular holidays of the year, meaning the weather is growing colder and the nights are getting longer. Whether you love winter for the festivities it brings, or you dislike the colder weather, we must all take steps to look after ourselves as the temperature drops. This includes taking care of our vision and eye health, as certain eye conditions such as dry eye syndrome can arise as the seasons change.
Read more04 November 2021
How to keep your eyes safe while wearing eye makeup

Makeup is a popular cosmetic that millions of people wear every day, whether it’s part of your daily routine or a bolder makeup look. Eye makeup is often a big part of your look – with many eye makeup products available to use, such as eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow. However, cosmetics can also pose risks to your vision and eye health. If you’re a fan of eye makeup – no matter how subtle or bold! – follow these safety tips in our new blog to prevent eye redness, irritation, rashes and swelling.
Read more29 October 2021
Halloween recipe to benefit eye health: Frozen pumpkin cheesecake

Halloween 2021 is almost here! Since there are only 2 days to go, we thought we would share a frozen pumpkin cheesecake recipe that is sure to be the perfect dessert for your Halloween parties. What’s more, it’s great for your eyes too! As the cheesecake is made with lots of pumpkin goodness, it will ensure your eyes remain healthy since pumpkins are packed full of vitamins that nourish your vision and eye health.
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